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Poster: ChronicKristinitis Date: May 29, 2016 4:45pm
Forum: texts Subject: Re: Volunteer censors needed to help clean up Archive

I didn't see this forum post until today. I would help clean up- gladly. There has to be some law against this, because I believe porn is supposed to be allowed for adults only, even online. There is a serial pervert on here, who posts porn in all the odd places, such as in the needlework titled texts, etc. There are pervs everywhere- they like to leave "shocking" content in places where people do not expect to find it. It is a form of perversion. It is just like the men who "flash" and the people who leave human feces in public places (yes, that is a "thing")

they need to grow up, or find Jesus, or something. Porn is online all over, if someone wants it they can find it for free, we don't need it littering an area when we want to look for children
s cartoons or crochet patterns...